Micro-Optical MEMS, micro-mirros and pico-projectors
- “Wafer-level AuSn/Pt solid-liquid interdiffusion bonding”, A. Rautiainen, V. Vuorinen, H. Heikkinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Feb. 2018), DOI: 10.1109/TCPMT.2017.2780102 (Journal paper, Aalto University);
- “Smart Materials in ST-MEMS vision”, Marco Ferrera, Presentation at "Workshop: Enabling Infrastructures for Emerging Technologies”, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, 19 Feb. 2018 (Invited Speech, ST-I);
- “Technological Application Fields for MEMS Sensors and Actuators” Zanotti L. Sanginario A., Presentation presented at "Workshop: Next-Generation MEMS/MOEMS Technologies and Devices” at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 12 January 2018, (Invited Speech, ST-I, Polito);
- “A Fast Multiobjective Optimization Strategy for Single-Axis Electromagnetic MOEMS Micromirrors”, Pieri F., Cliea A., Journal Paper, Published in Micromachines 9 (1), 2018 (Journal paper, Uni. Pisa);
- “Theoretical and Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Deformation in Resonating Micromirrors”, Farrugia R., Camilleri D., Grech I., Casha, O., Micallef J., Gatt E., Microsystem Technology (2018) 24: 445. (Journal paper, University of Malta);
- “Instytut Technologii Elektronowej Research Activities and Opportunities for Collaboration”, Bieniek T., Janczyk. G., Successful R&I in Europe 2018 - 9th European Networking Event 15-16 March 2018, Dusseldorf, Germany (Presentation, ITE);
- Polish Patent: Grabiec P., Bieniek T., Janus P., Zając J., Ivaldi F., Gotszalk T., Majstrzyk W.: "Układ do optycznego pomiaru stopnia i częstości wychylenia elementów ruchomych w strukturach mikro- i nanomechanicznych." (No 227665) (ITE);
- “Advanced protective coatings for reflectivity enhancement by low temperature atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on Al surfaces for micromirror applications”, E. Cianci, A. Lamperti, G. Tallarida, M. Zanuccoli, C. Fiegna, L. Lamagna, S. Losa, S. Rossini, F. Vercesi, D. Gatti, and C. Wiemer, submitted to: Sensors and Actuators A (Journal Paper, CNR);
- “Lab4MEMSII Talk to Engineering Students”, Portelli B., R. Farrugia, (Presentation, University of Malta);
- “Air Damping Analysis in Resonating Micro-mirrors”, Farrugia R., Portelli B., Grech I., Camilleri D., Casha, O.,Micallef J., Gatt E., to be presented at DTIP 2018 - Design,Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 22 - May 25, 2018, Rome, Italy (Conference Paper, University of Malta);
- SINTEF has created a web-page, with updates on its piezoMEMS technology, featuring also results from Lab4MEMS II (www, Sintef);
- “C-SOI as a New Generation MEMS Sensor Platform, Current Status and Challenges”, Markku Tilli, 7th CAM Workshop, Halle, Germany, 25.-26.4.2018 (Keynote Speech, OKM);
- “Consumer electronics is redesigning our cars? Challenges of integrated technologies for sensing, computing and storage,” F. Pieri, C. Zambelli, A. Nannini, P. Olivo, S. Saponara, Journal Paper, accepted for publication in IEEE Comsumer Electronics Magazine, 2018 (University of Pisa, IUNET);
- Planned paper/presentation based on Lab4MEMS II results for next IEEE Sensors conference in 2018 ( (CEA);
- “Process Integration and Reliability of Wafer Level SLID Bonding for Poly-Si TSV capped MEMS”, V. Vuorinen, G. Ross, J. Decker, H. Viljanen and M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Accepted to ESTC2018, 7th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference, September 18-20, 2018, Dresden, Germany (Aalto University, Presentation);
- “The effect of platinum contact metallization on Cu/Sn bonding”, A. Rautiainen, G. Ross, H.Q. Dong, V. Vuorinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; Submitted to Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, May 2018 (Aalto University, Submitted, Journal paper);
- Automotive Electronics Council Reliability Workshop, April 2018, Novi, Michigan, USA (KLA-Tencor, Exhibition);
- SEMICON China, March 2018, Shanghai, China (KLA-Tencor, Exhibition);
- "Mode Coupling and Parametric Resonance in Electrostatically Actuated Micromirrors", A Frangi, A Guerrieri, N. Boni, R Carminati, M. Soldo, G Mendicino, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (7), 5962-5969, 2018; (Journal paper, Politecnico di Milano);
- "Mechanics of Microsystems", Corigliano, R. Ardito, C. Comi, A. Frangi, A. Ghisi, Stefano Mariani, ISBN: 978-1-119-05383-5, 464 pages, Wiley, January 2018 (Book, Politecnico di Milano);
- Symposium “Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems”, A. Frangi, 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna, Italy, July 2 - 6 2018, (Symposium, Politecnico di Milano);
- “Recent Advancements and Perspectives in MEMS and MOEMS Technologies” Luca Zanotti, Invited Lecture presented at “Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, “Micro-and Nano-systems” Course, TU Wien, January 13th Technical University Wien, Austria (ST-I);
- ToolKit: “Testing MEMS”, Farrugia R. Portelli B., Technical Article presented in THINK magazine January 2017, Malta (University of Malta);
- “Theoretical and Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Deformation in Resonating Micromirrors”, Farrugia R., Camilleri D., Grech I., Casha, O., Micallef J., Gatt E., Journal Paper accepted for publication in Microsystem Technologies (University of Malta);
- “VTT’s Fabry-Perot interferometer technologies for hyperspectral imaging and mobile sensing applications”, Anna Rissanen, Bin Guo, Heikki Saari, Antti Näsilä, Rami Mannila, Altti Akujärvi, Harri Ojanen, Invited presentation, to be presented at SPIE Photonics West 2017 OPTO MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVI, San Francisco, California, United States, 30 January - 1 February 2017 (VTT);
- “Advanced protective coatings by low temperature atomic layer deposition on Al surfaces for micromirror applications”, C. Wiemer, E. Cianci, A. Lamperti, G. Tallarida, M. Zanuccoli, C. Fiegna, L. Lamagna, S. Losa, S. Rossini, F. Vercesi, Oral presentation to be presented at EUROCVD-Baltic ALD conference Euroi CVD Baltic ALD conference, Linkoping, June 11-14 2017 (CNR-IMM-MDM);
- “Advanced protective coatings by low temperature atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on Al surfaces for micro-mirror applications”, C. Wiemer, E. Cianci, A. Lamperti, G. Tallarida, M. Zanuccoli, C. Fiegna, L. Lamagna, S. Losa, S. Rossini, F. Vercesi, scientific Article submitted to Sensors and Actuators Journal (CNR-IMM-MDM);
- “XRD and ToF-SIMS study of intermetallic void formation in Cu-Sn micro-connects”, G. Ross, V. Vuorinen, M. Krause, S. Reissaus, M. Petzold, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, ESREF 2017The 28th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Sept. 25-28 Bordeaux, France (Aalto University, Presentation);
- "Cu-Sn-Pt metallurgy for SLID", A. Rautiainen, V. Vuorinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; Journal TBD, 2017 (Aalto University);
- "Long-term Stresses on Linear Micromirrors for Pico Projector Application", M. Silvestrini, M. Barbato, S. Costantini, F. Vercesi, L.Castoldi, L. Zanotti, G. Meneghesso, ESREF 2017 - European Symposium on Reliability on Electron Devices Physics and Analysis, September 25-29, Bordeaux, France, (ST-I);
- "Long-term Stresses on Linear Micromirrors for Pico Projector Application", Silvestrini M., Barbato M., Costantini S., Vercesi F., Castoldi L., Zanotti L., Meneghesso G., Microelectronics Reliability, Volumes 76–77, 2017, Pages 626-630, ISSN 0026-2714, (Journal paper, ST-I);
- "XRD and ToF-SIMS study of intermetallic void formation in Cu-Sn micro-connects", G.Ross, V. Vuorinen, M. Krause, S. Reissaus, M. Petzold, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, ESREF 2017 - European Symposium on Reliability on Electron Devices Physics and Analysis, September 25-29, Bordeaux, France, (Aalto University);
- "XRD and ToF-SIMS study of intermetallic void formation in Cu-Sn micro-connects", G.Ross, V. Vuorinen, M. Krause, S. Reissaus, M. Petzold, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Microelectronics Reliability Volumes 76–77, September 2017, Pages 390-394, (Journal paper, Aalto University);
- "Design optimization of a high frequency resonating micro-mirror with low dynamic deformation", Farrugia R., Camilleri D., Grech I., Casha, O.,Micallef J., Gatt E., DTIP 2017 - Design,Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 29 - June 1, Bordeaux, France (University of Malta);
- "Design optimization of a high frequency resonating micro-mirror with low dynamic deformation", Farrugia R., Camilleri D., Grech I., Casha, O.,Micallef J., Gatt E., Conference Paper at DTIP 2017 - Design,Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 29 - June 1, Bordeaux, France, DOI: 10.1109/DTIP.2017.7984467 (Paper, University of Malta);
- "Capacitance measurement techniques in MOEMS angular vertical comb-drive actuators", B.Portelli, Farrugia R., Grech I., Casha, O.,Micallef J., Gatt E., DTIP 2017 - Design,Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 29 - June 1, Bordeaux, France (University of Malta);
- "Capacitance measurement techniques in MOEMS angular vertical comb-drive actuators", B.Portelli, Farrugia R., Grech I., Casha, O.,Micallef J., Gatt E., DTIP 2017 - Design,Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 29 - June 1, Bordeaux, France, DOI: 10.1109/DTIP.2017.7984455, (Paper, University of Malta);
- "Application of a computational efficient RCWA method for the simulation of micro-mirrors in optical MEMS", M. Zanuccoli , C. Fiegna, I. Semenikhin, E. Cianci, C. Wiemer, A. Lamperti and G. Tallarida, L. Lamagna, S. Losa, S. Rossini, F. Vercesi, oral presentation and conference paper to be presented at SISPAD2017 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Kamakura, Japan, September 7-9 2017, (CNR-IMM-MDM);
- "Lab4MEMS II", L.Zanotti, Poster presented at ECSEL SYMPOSIUM, June 13-14th 2017, Malta (ST-I)
- "Semiconductor Technology for Internet of Things", R. Zafalon, Invited Speech presented at ECSEL SYMPOSIUM, June 13-14th 2017, Malta (ST-I);
- "Multi-Cantilever Array Sensor System with MOEMS Read-Out", Bieniek T., Janus P., Majstrzyk W., Gotszalk T., Janczyk G., poster presented and NanoTech2017 TechConnect World Innovation, Conference & Expo NanoTech 2017, Waszyngton, USA, 14-17.05.2017 (ITE);
- "Multi-Cantilever Array Sensor System with MOEMS Read-Out", Bieniek T., Janus P., Majstrzyk W., Gotszalk T., Janczyk G., Conference Paper, NanoTech2017 Informatics, Electronics and Microsystems TechConnect Briefs 2017, Nanoelectronics Chapter 3, 2017, pp. 92-95 (ITE);
- "Lab4MEMS-II Project: Innovative Multi-Cantilever Sensor System with MOEMS Read-Out", T. Bieniek, P. Janus, J. Zając, W. Majstrzyk, T. Gotszalk, Poster presented at EuroNanoForum 2017, Valetta, Malta, 21-23.06.2017, Best Poster Award (ITE);
- "Nanotechnologies applications for electronics", R.Zafalon, Sessione Presentation Speech at EuroNanoForum 2017, Valetta, Malta, 21-23.06.2017 (ST-I);
- "Finite Element Analysis in the Design and Packaging of MEMS devices", R. Farrugia, Session Presentation presented at SmartMemphis Summer School, Smart Systems Integration Master Class, 27.06.2017 (University of Malta);
- "Modeling, Characterization Facilities and Research at the University of Malta", B. Portelli, Session Presentation presented at SmartMemphis Summer School, Smart Systems Integration Master Class, 27.06.2017 (University of Malta);
- “Interfacial void segregation of Cl in Cu-Sn micro-connects”, G. Ross, X. Tao, M. Broas, N. Mäntyoja, V. Vuorinen, A. Graff, F. Altmann, M. Petzold, and M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Electron. Mater. Lett. (2017) 13: 307. (Journal Paper, Aalto University);
- “Vertical cracking of Cu-Sn solid-liquid interdiffusion bond under thermal shock test”, A. Rautiainen, V. Vuorinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 4, Issue 7, Part 2, 2017, Pages 7093-7100, (Journal paper, Aalto University);
- “GHz-SAM analysis of Cu-Sn interfacial voiding”, G.Ross, S.Brand, V.Vuorinen, M. Petzold and M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Applied Physics Letters 110(5):054102 January 2017, DOI: 10.1063/1.4975305 (Journal paper, Aalto University);
- “Lab4MEMS II”, Zafalon R., Zanotti L., Poster presented at EFECS 2017 European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems, Brussels, Belgium, 05 December 2017 (Poster, ST-I);
- “Technological Application Fields for MEMS Sensors and Actuators”, Zanotti L. Sanginario A., Invited Speech presented at 2nd Lab4MEMS2 Workshop “Next-Generation MEMS/MOEMS Technologies and Devices” at joined Semicon Europa 2017 and Productronica 2017 conferences and exhibitions, 15 Nov. 2017 (Invited Speech, ST-I);
- “SOI based platforms for next generation MEMS manufacturing”, Vesa-Pekka Lempinen, Invited Speech presented at 2nd Lab4MEMS2 Workshop “Next-Generation MEMS/MOEMS Technologies and Devices” at joined Semicon Europa 2017 and Productronica 2017 conferences and exhibitions, 15 Nov. 2017 (Invited Speech, Okmetic);
- “Design for manufacturability and reliability of metal bonding for wafer-level MEMS packaging”, V. Vuorinen, H. Viljanen, G. Ross, J. Dekker, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Invited Speech presented at 2nd Lab4MEMS2 Workshop “Next-Generation MEMS/MOEMS Technologies and Devices” at joined Semicon Europa 2017 and Productronica 2017 conferences and exhibitions, 15 Nov. 2017 (Invited Speech, Aalto, VTT);
- “Next generation micro-optical MEMS micro-mirrors and pico-projectors – LAB4MEMS-II project”, T. Bieniek, P. Grabiec, P. Janus, J. Zając, G. Janczyk, 2nd Lab4MEMS2 Workshop “Next-Generation MEMS/MOEMS Technologies and Devices” at joined Semicon Europa 2017 and Productronica 2017 conferences and exhibitions, 15 Nov. 2017 (Poster, ITE);
- “Lab4MEMS-II project: Innovative multi-cantilever sensor system with MOEMS read-out”, T. Bieniek, P. Janus, J. Zając, P. Grabiec, W. Majstrzyk, T. Gotszalk, G. Janczyk, 2nd Lab4MEMS2 Workshop “Next-Generation MEMS/MOEMS Technologies and Devices” at joined Semicon Europa 2017 and Productronica 2017 conferences and exhibitions, 15 Nov. 2017 (Poster, ITE);
- “Motori del micromondo tra presente e future” Luca Pellegrino, Teuro Kanki, Luca Zanotti, Festival della Scienza 2017 Genova, Italy, 30 Oct. 2017 (Presentation, ST-I);
- Lab4MEMS2 activities were presented by Prof. Demarchi at Politecnico di Torino during academic year 2016/2017, on 9 January 2017, in the class of “CAD for Microsystems” (74 students) for the Master Degrees of Electronics Engineering and Nanotechnologies for ICT, focusing on the use of Comsol for micromirror design (Lecture, Polito);
- During academic year 2016/2017, on 27 March 2017, Prof. Demarchi presented Lab4MEMS2 in the class of “Bio-Micro&Nano Systems” (268 students) for the Master Degrees of Electronics and Biomedical Engineering, describing the simulation techniques and the needed processes for the micromirror design and fabrication (Lecture, Polito);
“Development of a resonant asymmetric micro mirror using an electro active polymer actuation”, F. Casset, P. Poncet, B. Desloges, B. Neff, F. Domingues Dos Santos, JS. Danel, M. Vimercati, L. Zanotti, S. Fanget, Conference Paper presented at MME 2017, 28th Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe Workshop 2017, Uppsala, Sweden (Presentation, CEA, Arkema, ST-I);
“Science in the City Documentary on National Television”, Farrugia R., Interview, 28th Sept, University of Malta,, (TV material, University of Malta);
“UoM Micro- and Nano- Technology Research”, Portelli B., ENF 2017, June 20-22, Valletta (Poster, University of Malta);
“Lab4MEMS-II project and cooperation between ITE and WrUT”, Tomasz Bieniek, Workshop on Micro-Optical MEMS between ITE and Wroclaw University of Technology organized at ITE on February 15-16 2017 (Presentation, ITE);
- “Introduction to metrology of and with MEMS/NEMS devices”, Teodor Gotszalk, Workshop on Micro-Optical MEMS between ITE and Wroclaw University of Technology organized at ITE on February 15-16 2017 (Presentation, WrUT);
- “18-bits acquisition & processing card for MEMS/NEMS/MOEMS sensor systems”, Tomasz Piasecki, Workshop on Micro-Optical MEMS between ITE and Wroclaw University of Technology organized at ITE on February 15-16 2017 (Presentation, WrUT);
- “Acquisition system for micro-cantilevers array based sensor systems”, Mateusz Gramala, Workshop on Micro-Optical MEMS between ITE and Wroclaw University of Technology organized at ITE on February 15-16 2017 (Presentation, WrUT);
- “Control and actuation of micro-cantilever arrays”, Wojciech Majstrzyk, Workshop on Micro-Optical MEMS between ITE and Wroclaw University of Technology organized at ITE on February 15-16 2017 (Presentation, WrUT);
- “Micro-cantilever beams – calculation, characterization and analysis”, Karolina Orłowska, Workshop on Micro-Optical MEMS between ITE and Wroclaw University of Technology organized at ITE on February 15-16 2017 (Presentation, WrUT);
- A. Cilea, Geometric optimization of electromagnetically actuacted MEMS micromirrors, M. Sc. Thesis in Electronic Engineering, University of Pisa, 2017, (University of Pisa, IUNET);
- M. Silvestrini, MEMS Micromirrors: Overview of the Characterization Systems, Dynamic Deformation and Reliability Analysis, M. Sc. Thesis in Electronic Engineering, University of Padua, 2017, (University of Padua, IUNET);
- SEMICON Taiwan, September 2017, Taipei, Taiwan (KLA-Tencor, Exhibition);
- “Parametric resonance in electrostatically actuated micromirrors”, A Frangi, A Guerrieri, R Carminati, G Mendicino, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (2), 1544-1551, 2017 (Journal paper, Politecnico di Milano);
- “Accurate Simulation of Parametrically Excited Micromirrors via Direct Computation of the Electrostatic Stiffness”, A Frangi, A Guerrieri, N Boni, Sensors 17 (4), 779, 2017; (Journal paper, Politecnico di Milano);
- “Lab4MEMS II - The design of micro-mirrors and pico-projectors”, Portelli B., Farrugia R., Grech I., Casha, O., Micallef J., Gatt E., Engineering Today, June, 2016 Malta (University of Malta)
- “Characteristic void formation and the impacts on the IMC growth in the Cu-Sn System”, G. Ross, V. Vuorinen & M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 677 (2016) 127-138 (Aalto University)
- “Mechanical Optimisation of an Electrostatically actuated Scanning Mirror”, Farrugia R., Grech I., Casha O., Micallef J., Gatt E., WICT 2016, Workshop on ICT, June, 2016 Malta (University of Malta)
- “Design of a Gimbal-less Electrostatically actuated Scanning Mirror:, Portelli B., Grech I., Casha, O., Micallef J., Gatt E., WICT 2016, Workshop on ICT, June, 2016 Malta (University of Malta)
- “Design of a three axes Magnetically actuated Scanning Mirror’, Amato M., Grech I., Casha, O., Micallef J., Gatt E., WICT 2016, Workshop on ICT, June, 2016 Malta (University of Malta)
- “Vertical cracking of Cu-Sn solid-liquid interdiffusion bond under thermal shock test”, A. Rautiainen, V. Vuorinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; nanoFIS 2016, International Conference Integrated Functional nano Systems, June 27-29, Graz, Austria, Accepted Journal article, Materials Today Proceedings (Aalto University)
- “Optimization of contact metallizations for reliable wafer level Au-Sn bonds”, Vuorinen V., A. Rautiainen, H. Heikkinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; ESREF 2016 The 27th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, September 19-22, Halle (Saale), Germany (Aalto University)
- “Optimization of contact metallizations for reliable wafer level Au-Sn bonds”, Vuorinen V., A. Rautiainen, H. Heikkinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; Journal article: Microelectronics Reliability 64, p. 676-680 (Aalto University)
- “Thermodynamic Reassessment of the Au-Pt-Sn System and Experimental Investigation of the Au-20wt.%Sn|Pt Interconnection”, H.Q. Dong, V. Vuorinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688 (2016) 388-398 (Aalto University)
- “GHz-SAM analysis of Cu-Sn interfacial voiding”, G.Ross, S.Brand, V.Vuorinen, M. Petzold and M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Accepted to Applied Physics Letters (Aalto University)
- “Hardness, elastic modulus and wear resistance of hafnium oxide-based films grown by atomic layer deposition”, Maria Berdova, Xuwien Liu, Claudia Wiemer, Alessio Lamperti, Grazia Tallarida, Elena Cianci, Marco Fanciulli, Sami Franssila, Journal Paper planned to be submitted to thin solid films (CNR-IMM-MDM)
- “The role of the oxydizing agent on the crystallization of HfO2 grown by low temperature TEMAHf based process on different substrates”, C. Wiemer, S. Vangelista, A. Lamperti, E. Cianci, Poster at ALD Conference, AVS Atomic layer Deposition Conference, July 23-27 2016, Dublin Ireland (CNR-IMM-MDM)
- “MOEMS global and next future scenarios”, Luca Zanotti, Invited Speech at the 1st Lab4MEMS2 Workshop: Next-Generation Optical MEMS Technologies and Devices during the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conference 2016 12-15 September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland, (ST-I)
- “Innovative materials for MOEMS devices”, Claudia Wiemer, Invited Speech at the 1st Lab4MEMS2 Workshop: Next-Generation Optical MEMS Technologies and Devices during the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conference 2016 12-15 September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland (MDM, IMM-CNR)
- “Non-linear mechanical behavior of electrostatically actuated micromirrors”, Attilio Frangi, Invited Speech at the 1st Lab4MEMS2 Workshop: Next-Generation Optical MEMS Technologies and Devices during the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conference 2016, 12-15 September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland (Politecnico Di Milano)
- “Application and control of the MOEMS microscanners”, Teodor Gotszalk, Invited Speech at the 1st Lab4MEMS2 Workshop: Next-Generation Optical MEMS Technologies and Devices during the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conference 2016 12-15 September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland (Wroclaw University of Technolgy)
- “Concepts for optical microsystems (MOEMS) and their miniaturization limits”, Hans Peter Herzig, Invited Speech at the 1st Lab4MEMS2 Workshop: Next-Generation Optical MEMS Technologies and Devices during the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conference 2016, 12-15 September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL)
- “Integration issue in MEMS/MOEMS technologies in Industry 4.0 era”, Piotr Grabiec, Invited Speech at the 1st Lab4MEMS2 Workshop: Next-Generation Optical MEMS Technologies and Devices during the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conference 2016, 12-15 September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland (ITE)
- “New approach for a multi-cantilever arrays sensor system with advanced MOEMS readout”, F. Ivaldi, T. Bieniek, P. Janus, J. Zając, P. Grabiec, W. Majstrzyk, D. Kopiec, T. Gotszalk accepted for oral presentation during the ESSDERC-MEMS, NEMS, Bio sensors and Display Technologies Track in MEMS and Microfluidics Session at the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conference 2016, 12-15 September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland (ITE)
- “Innowacyjny kompaktowy system czujnikowy oparty o matryce mikrobelek z optycznym układem odczytowym” (“Microcantilever arrays base innovative compact sensor system with optical red-out”) Tomasz Bieniek, Francesco Ivaldi, Paweł Janus, Jerzy Zając, Piotr Grabiec, Wojciech Majstrzyk, Daniel Kopiec, Teodor Gotszalk; poster at ELTE'2016 - XII Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa, 11-14 September 2016, Wisła, Poland (ITE)
- “Next generation micro-optical MEMS, micro-mirrors and pico-projectors - LAB4MEMS II PROJECT” Tomasz Bieniek, Francesco Ivaldi, Piotr Grabiec, Jerzy Zając, Paweł Janus, poster at ELTE'2016 - XII Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa, 11-14 September 2016, Wisła, Poland (ITE)
- “Nanometric Scale in Solid State Integrated Circuits: Features and Analytical Techniques”, Zanotti L.; Keynote speech at NFFA Europe, nanoscience foundries and fine analysis, April 11-12 2016, Milan, Italy (ST-I)
- “Applications of PZT-based micromirrors”, T. Bakke, P. Widdendorp, Z. Skokic, J. Gjessing, F. Tyhold, A. Vogl, Conference Paper at PiezoMEMS 2016, 5th International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS, May 24-25, 2016 Grenoble (France), (SINTEF)
- “Industry 4.0 challenges for microelectronic and sensor technologies”, P. Grabiec, Invited Speech at 14th International Conference on Optical and Electronic Sensors COE'2016, 19-22 June 2016, Gdansk, Poland (ITE)
- “Innovative multi-cantilever array sensor system with MOEMS read-out”, F. Ivaldi, T. Bieniek, P. Janus, P. Grabiec, W. Majstrzyk, D. Kopiec, T. Gotszalk, presentation at 14th International Conference on Optical and Electronic Sensors COE'2016, 19-22 June 2016, Gdansk, Poland (ITE)
- “Innovative multi-cantilever array sensor system with MOEMS read-out”, F. Ivaldi, T. Bieniek, P. Janus, P. Grabiec, W. Majstrzyk, D. Kopiec, T. Gotszalk, SPIE journal paper at 14th International Conference on Optical and Electronic Sensors COE'2016, 19-22 June 2016, Gdansk, Poland (ITE)
- “Novel MOEMS read-out system for multi-cantilever sensor arrays”, F. Ivaldi, T. Bieniek, P. Grabiec, W. Majstrzyk, D. Kopiec, T. Gotszalk; presentation at 18th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2016), 18-20 May 2016, Warsaw, Poland (ITE)
- “A novel approach for comb-drive driving systems used in MOEMS”, Magdalena EKWIŃSKA, Dariusz SZMIGIEL, Tomasz BIENIEK, Francesco IVALDI, presentation at 18th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2016), 18-20 May 2016, Warsaw, Poland (ITE)
- “Advanced protective coatings by low temperature atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on Al surfaces for micro-mirror applications”, C. Wiemer, E. Cianci, A. Lamperti, G. Tallarida, M. Berdova, S. Franssila, M. Zanuccoli, C. Fiegna, L. Lamagna, S. Losa, S. Rossini, R. Somaschini, S. Gioveni, CIMTEC, 5th International Conference Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Systems of CIMTEC 2016 June 5-9, 2016, Perugia, Italy (CNR-IMM-MDM)
- “Analysis of Dynamic Deformation in 1-D Resonating Micromirrors”, Farrugia R., Grech I., Casha, O.,Micallef J., Gatt E., Conference Paper at DTIP 2016, Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 31, 2016 Budapest, Hungary (University of Malta)
- “MEMS/MOEMS System Integration and Packaging”, L.Zanotti, University of Graz, 27-29 June 2016; 2nd International Conference nanoFIS 2016 - Integrated Functional nano Systems (ST-I)
- “Vertical cracking of Cu-Sn solid-liquid interdiffusion bond under thermal shock test”, Rautiainen A.. Vuorinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Conference Paper presented at University of Graz, 27-29 June 2016; 2nd International Conference nanoFIS 2016 - Integrated Functional nano Systems (Aalto University)
- “Vertical cracking of Cu-Sn solid-liquid interdiffusion bond under thermal shock test”, A. Rautiainen, V. Vuorinen, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; Accepted and submitted to Materials Today Proceedings (Aalto University)
- Trade show attendance at Photonics West 2016 to promote microspectrometer activities, February 2016 (VTT)
- “Key parameters influencing Cu-Sn interfacial void formation”, G. Ross, V. Vuorinen and M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Presentation at EPTC 2016 - 18th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, 30th Nov – 3rd Dec 2016, Suntec Singapore (Aalto University)
- “Interfacial void segregation of Cl in Cu-Sn micro-connects”, G. Ross, X. Tao, M. Broas, N. Mäntyoja, V. Vuorinen, A. Graff, F. Altmann, M. Petzold, and M. Paulasto-Kröckel, Journal Paper, Submitted to ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS (Aalto University)
- “An innovative multi-cantilever arrays sensor system implementation with advanced MOEMS readout for multidisciplinary sensor application”, Bieniek T., Janus P., Grabiec P., Poster presented at ITMED 2016 & NANOMED 2016 X Międzynarodowe Forum Innowacyjne Technologie dla Medycyny (ITMED 2016) connected with z 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology in Medicine (NANOMED 2016), 7-9 November 2016, Warsaw, Poland (ITE)
- “Next generation micro-optical MEMS micro-mirrors and pico-projectors – LAB4MEMS–II project” Bieniek T., Poster presented at ITMED 2016 & NANOMED 2016 X Międzynarodowe Forum Innowacyjne Technologie dla Medycyny (ITMED 2016) connected with z 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology in Medicine (NANOMED 2016), 7-9 November 2016, Warsaw, Poland (ITE)
- “Geometric optimization of magnetically actuated MEMS micromirrors”, Pieri F., Conference Paper presented at MME 2016 - 27th Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe 28-30 August 2016, Cork, Ireland (University of Pisa, IUNET)
- “MOEMS FPI sensors for NIR – MIR microspectrometer applications”, A. Akujärvi, B. Guo, R. Mannila, A. Rissanen, Conference Paper, presented at SPIE Photonics West 2016 OPTO MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XV, San Francisco, California, United States, February 13, 2016 (VTT)
- “Products & Technology: Lab4MEMS II participation”, Besi N.V., Company www pages (BESI)
- Flyer: “Lab4MEMS II participation”, Besi N.V., Exhibition stand, presented at Semicon Europe 2016, 25-27 October 2016, Grenoble, France (BESI)
- Poster wall at Besi Austria facility: Lab4MEMS II participation, Besi Austria Gmbh (BESI)
- “Lab4MEMS II project”, Zanotti L., Poster presented at ENF2016 - European Nanoelectronics Forum 2016, November 23-24, Rome, Italy (ST-I)
- “Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties in (AuSn)eut-Cu interconnections”, H.Q. Dong, V. Vuorinen, T. Laurila and M. Paulasto-Kröckel,, J. Electronic Materials. 45,10, 2016 (Aalto University).
- Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Au-20wt.%Sn|Ni interconnection, H.Q. Dong, V. Vuorinen, X.W. Liu, T. Laurila, J. Li, M. Paulasto-Kröckel, J. Electronic Materials, 45, 1, 2016 (Aalto University)
- Doctoral dissertation; Hongqun Dong, Design of the Contact Metallizations for Gold-Tin Eutectic Solder-A Thermodynamic-Kinetic Analysis, (Aalto University)
- “A refined model for piezoelectric composite beams”, F. Pieri, Conference Paper presented at MME 2016 - 27th Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe 28-30 August 2016, Cork, Ireland (University of Pisa, IUNET);
- “Structural analysis of interfacial voiding in the Cu-Sn System”, G. Ross, V. Vuorinen, N. Mäntyoja, M. Broas, M. Paulasto-Kröckel; ESTC 2016, The 6th Electronics System Integration Technologies Conference, September 13 to 16, Grenoble, France. (Aalto University, Conference Paper);
- “Lab4MEMS II - Micro-Optical MEMS, micro-mirrors and pico-projectors”, Bieniek T., Grabiec P., F. Ivaldi, poster at ITMED 2015: 9th International Forum on Innovative Technologies for Medicine, 3-5.12.2014, Suprasl, Poland, additionally project advertisement in forum catalogue (ITE)
- “Thin-film Piezo for next wave of MEMS actuators”, Faralli D., IEEE CASS Inter- and Cross-disciplinary Topics in Circuits and Systems Community, IEEE CASS, October 29, P. Milan, Italy, (POLIMI)
- SINTEF has presented the PiezoMOEMS technology at the Cutting Edge Festival, Oslo, Norway, October 2015; (SINTEF)
- Technical speech: “Intellectual Property Rights for Born Globals”, Eide. J, during the OIW Oslo Innovation Week 2015, October 13th, 2015 Oslo, Norway, (Polewall AS)
- Poster presentation at Baltic Atomic Layer Deposition (BALD’15) conference, Tartu, Estonia, September 27-30 2015: “Low temperature atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on aluminum substrates”, Maria Berdova, Claudia Wiemer, Alessio Lamperti, Grazia Tollarida, Elena Cianci, Luca Lamagna, Silvia Rossini, Roberto Somaschini, Salvatore Gioveni, Marco Fanciulli, Sami Franssila, (CNR-IMM MDM)
- “Protective coatings of hafnium dioxide by atomic layer deposition for microelectromechanical systems applications”, Maria Berdova, Claudia Wiemer, Alessio Lamperti, Grazia Tallarida, Elena Cianci, Luca Lamagna, Stefano Losa, Silvia Rossini, Roberto Somaschini, Salvatore Gioveni, Marco Fanciulli, Sami Franssila, scientific article submitted to Surface and Coating Technology Journal (CNR-IMM MDM)
- “Smart Systems: the key enabling technology for future IoT”, Zafalon R., Keynote speech, IEEE 9th MCSoC-15: International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip, September 23-25, 2015, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy,, (ST-I)
- “Smart Systems and MEMS for IoT”, Ferrera M., SEMI MEMS Summit 2016, September 17-18 2015, P Milano, Italy,, (ST-I)
- “Smart Systems and MEMS for IoT”, Vigna B., Keynote speech, SEMI MEMS Summit 2015, September 17-18 2015, P Milano, Italy,, (ST-I)
- Oral presentation at AIMETA 2015 - 2015 Congress of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics “Non-linear effects in micro-mirrors”, Attilio Frangi, Roberto Carminati, Sebastiano Conti, Genova, 14th - 17th September 2015, (POLIMI);
- “Micro-Optical MEMS, micro-mirrors and pico-projectors (Lab4MEMS II)”, Bieniek T., Grabiec P., poster in ITE stand during the COMS 2015: 20th edition of the annual international conference on commercializing micro- and nanotechnology, 13-16.09.2015, Krakow, Poland,; project advertisement in Conference folder; project advertisement during all conference, printed and on CD material about Lab4MEMS II on the table (ITE)
- Conference paper titled “Design for Reliability of Au-Sn and Cu-Sn Based SLID Bond”, Vuorinen V., Rautiainen A., Paulasto-Kröckel M., at EMPC 2015, 20th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference, September 14–16, Friedrichshafen, Germany, (Aalto University)
- “Smart Systems and MEMS are the key enabling technology for future IoT”, Zafalon R., Opening keynote, EPoSS Brokerage Workshop on IoT Large Scale Pilots, H2020 Work Programme 2016-2017, 26th June 2015, London, UK, (ST-I)
- SINTEF has presented the PiezoMOEMS technology at the SINTEF fair in Trondheim, Norway, June 2015 (SINTEF)
- “Optical MEMS Fabry-Perot Interferometers for Microspectrometer Applications”, A. Rissanen , VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, FINLAND at 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Transducers 2015, June 21-25, 2015, Alaska, (VTT)
- “Industry vision for the Internet of Things: The next wave”, Zafalon R., Opening speech, EuroCPS, H2020 EuroCPS-CSA Workshop April 8th 2015, Bologna, Italy,, (ST-I)
- "KET Pilot Lines on MEMS and MOEMS as key assets for Europe", Zafalon R., Lab4MEMS II related lecture by Roberto Zafalon at ITE, May 28th 2015. Lecture was open, in frame of PhD studies at ITE. Besides of ITE, Warsaw University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, Polish Academy of Science Institute of Physics and other audience were invited (ST-I, ITE);
- Lab4MEMS II ITE Press Release: „Mikromechaniczne technologie optyczne dla czujników i smartfonów przyszłości”, 15.04.2015, Warsaw, Poland, ITE web and pdf version (ITE)
- Near infrared Fabry-Perot interferometer (NIR FPI) marketing to photonics industry at Photonics West exhibition 2015, San Francisco, 10-12.2.2015 (VTT)
- “ST leads European research project on next-generation optical MEMS”, Graham Prophet, EE Times Europe, February 2015, link
- “STMicroelectronics Leads European Research Project to Develop Next-Generation Optical MEMS, Extension to a project launched in 2013 builds on current efforts to enable technologies for next-generation applications”, Lab4MEMS II press release released February 4th 2015, English version and Italian version, few screenshoots gallery (ST-I);
- Symposium “Mechanics of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems”, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, A Frangi, Madrid, Spain, July 6 - 10, 2015; (Symposium, Politecnico di Milano);
Lab4MEMS II project introduced at ITMED 2014 conference, Suprasl, Poland
“Lab4MEMS II - Micro-Optical MEMS, micro-mirrors and pico-projectors”, Bieniek T., Grabiec P., Bar J., Kłos H., poster at ITMED 2014: 8th International Forum on Innovative Technologies for Medicine, 4-6.12.2014, Supraśl, Poland, additionally project advertisement in forum catalogue;
Lab4MEMS II project public available presentation:
Lab4MEMS-II R. Zafalon
Photonics Pilot Line Workshop, Brussels, November 14th 2014
KET Pilot Lines at STMicroelectronics R. Zafalon
Smart Regional Financing for KETs, Brussels, November 6th 2014