Micro-Optical MEMS, micro-mirros and pico-projectors
2018 June 14-15 - Final Project Review Meeting
All the Lab4MEMS II consortium members met in Vantaa in Finland at Okmetic Headquarter and Plant for the final review meeting of the project.
The official Final Review Meeting was focused on R&D work packages, project demonstrators as well on the project dissemination, networking and its management during all 42 months. The review was successful and the project was evaluated as very good!
Lab4MEMS II project was and will be present with various presentations at the listed below events:
ITE presented Institute and potential collaboration in Lab4MEMS II related topics at Successful R&I in Europe 2018 - 9th European Networking Event 15-16 March 2018, Dusseldorf, Germany
ITE get the Patent for one of the project Proof of Concepts
Polish Patent: Grabiec P., Bieniek T., Janus P., Zając J., Ivaldi F., Gotszalk T., Majstrzyk W.: "Układ do optycznego pomiaru stopnia i częstości wychylenia elementów ruchomych w strukturach mikro- i nanomechanicznych." (No 227665) – received Jan. 2018.
Lab4MEMS II Workshop at Politecnico di Torino January 12th, 2018
The workshop entitled “Next-Generation MEMS/MOEMS Technologies and Devices” was organized at Politecnico di Torino on January 12th, 2018. During the Workshop the presentation entitled “Technological Application Fields for MEMS Sensors and Actuators” by Luca Zanotti, STMicroelectronics Italy and Alessandro Sanginario, Politecnico di Torino was presented and discussed with the audience. Workshop had 55 participants that were Master and PhD students, and some Professors or PostDocs.